Support from local business, veterans & other exceptional individuals.
“She has a humble, thoughtful, and forward-thinking approach that is rooted in finding new ways to envision Vancouver, collaborative ways to find solutions, and considering who in the community is affected but not heard.”
Rep. Monica Stonier
49th Legislative District
"I enthusiastically support Sarah Fox for city council because of her balanced and pragmatic approach to addressing the city's needs. Sarah brings thoughtful solutions to the table that aim to reduce unintended consequences and serve the best interests of all city residents."
Dr. Carolyn Long
Political Science Professor
Vancouver Police Officers' Guild
Sierra Club
IAFF Local 452
Vancouver Firefighters
17th LD
LIUNA Laborers
Local 335
National Women's Political Caucus of Washington
WA Conservation Action
Southwest Washington
Central Labor Council
Young Democrats
of Clark County
SEIU Local 925
Clark County
Democratic Women
Voter's Guide
Fox demonstrates a deeper understanding of the issues and articulates an approach that leans toward thoughtfulness rather than ideology... Because she is better suited to helping Vancouver reach its lofty goals, The Columbian Editorial Board recommends Sarah Fox for reelection to the city council.
-The Columbian Editorial Board
Senator Annette Cleveland, 49th L.D.
Larry Smith, Colonel, US Army Veteran
Mike Burton, Colonel, USAFR Veteran
David Sutherland
Donna Horenstein
Doug Hemenway
Frank Hood
Glynis Moody
Janet Landesberg
Janice Oliva
Jim Luce
Liz Luce
Judith Perez
Kate Fernald
Kevin Hart
Laura Ellsworth
Laura Sherburne
Kevin Todd
Jan Verrinder
Andrea Smith
Brian Carlson
Nelson Holmberg
Jim Martin
Jackie Lane
Betty Sue Morris
Deanna Rusch
Mark Monroe
Meredith Distante
Micheal Lynch
Oliver Hidden
Paul Montague, Paul Montague Tax Preparation
Phil Landesberg
Robert Durgan
Ron Frederiksen
Sallie Reavey, Briar Rose Inn
​Scott Flury, Latte Da Coffee Shop
Scott Horenstein
Stephen Horenstein
Tanisha Harris
Terry Phillips
William Irvin
Heidi Cosy
Terri Niles
Mike Pond
Mary Elkin
John Anderson
Poppy Marler, OMW Uptown Market
Steve Ellsworth
Kevin Lux
Greg Hawkins
Jennifer Wallenberg
Robert Hall